And 'this is the most evocative, picturesque, and if you want the whole idyllic valley, even if the image comes from a hydrological basin artificial totally breaks away from typical valsesiana.
serene, harmonious, calm and resting, absolutely attractive in terms of tourism
The wide resource of lake Rimasco made the serene, harmonious, calm, restful and inviting even today absolutely in terms of tourism, the alternative tourism smart here is run thanks to a full exploitation of environmental resources, which are natural or artificial , and the presence of committed facilities deservedly known.
It therefore speaks of tourism in Rimasco even before describing the country, although it is certainly not less beautiful to other centers of Valsermenza.
The settlement fully exposed to the sun has ancient presences and structurally valuable that give a residential country; St. James is the parish church, from which rises a sharp bell tower, built in the center on the early fifteenth century church, with slender porch, baroque stucco and an interior of regard for the presence of several works including a magnificent Crucifix, a pyramidal altar wood, beautiful frescoes on the dome and school works Gaudenzian in the wall of the apse; remarkable also the two speakers secenteschi of Santa Croce and San Grato.
The lake, created by the confluence of the creek with Sermenza Egua that comes from Glen Carcoforo, of course dominates the life of the country, giving the typical appearance of the resort; on its banks, both right and left, a plethora of facilities and animations that facilitates and feeds the lake, such as camping and or sport fishing here has an attractive full expression.
Among the interesting surprises encountered in visiting Rimasco and its fractional dotted bow, certainly can not pass with indifference the ancient village of Dorcas, who is considered one of the most magical places Valsesian; rises to 1269 meters and its old houses relaxing on a colorful plateau, speaking of a settlement of very remote origin with several witnesses still visible and well preserved. As Priami, another handful of old farmhouses that arise on a hill near the waterfall of Dorcas, and Molino, inserted in a natural amphitheater of great beauty of the environment.
In the tourism sector stands out the commitment of local landowners, who have always worked to make the area a resource increasingly fruitful and lively in the neighboring "Pian della Ratta such as the presence of a ski lift leading to sweet and scenic plateaus suitable easy to ski descents, enriching the potential of the ski area.