Baita Walser seventeenth century furnished with furniture and agricultural equipment

The Walser Museum in Alagna is in the hamlet of Pedemonte. The hamlet is reached by car, just minutes from the center of Alagna and soon you find yourself in an incredible environment where time seems to have stood still for centuries. The splendid architecture of the wooden houses of the settlers Walser, preserved in an exemplary manner, are overlooking a small square characterized by two fountains monolithic service dell'abbeverata of animals and the washing of laundry, dishes and tools. The ancient house (it is dated 1628) which houses the museum was transferred to the Union Alagnese condition chevenisse equipped and forever only intended as a historical museum of the customs and habits of the population of Alagna. Concurred with donations several families Alagna and the result was a prime example, and at that of exhaustive "Witte mu hed aswenn glebed im Land." That is, in Walser "What was life like once in Alagna."

The museum allows you to admire the particular building constructions Walser note absolute elegance in mountain panorama

The visit of the town with its unique museum gives you the opportunity to learn all about the building system of the house Walser of Alagna which was inhabited by several families and designed to accommodate under one roof barn, house and barn; these key features: stone basement and overlying parts entirely in larch wood for beams and fir for planks covered with stone slabs or gneiss, heavy stone slabs supported by the structure of the roof beams.

The layout of the museum allows you to admire these buildings, among other things of absolute elegance in the mountain panorama, and get into all the rooms arranged strictly with furniture, furnishings, equipment and other objects of the time Walser, all simple but ingenious as , for example the bottle proceeds horn from a bovine animal, the tilting table to minimize the 'footprint, the figurines of animals carved wood for children's games and the slide for the transport of timber. There are also collected tools for processing milk, wood, tools for farm work, furniture, looms for weaving, clothing. In short, everything needed to everyday life of that ancient people.

 The vision of these simple things in that house museum, located in the fantastic environment of Pedemonte is able to create suggestions and stimulating reveries to all visitors that a "step" in this location Alagna is absolutely recommendable.

Museo Walser di Alagna

Loc. Pedemonte
13021 Alagna Valsesia - Vercelli
Tel. 347 1377404
Fax. 0163 922805
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