paintings, wooden sculptures and gilt polychrome, furniture, furnishings, vestments and sacred gold

Adjacent to the monumental church of Campertogno is well distributed in the exhibition halls of the building welcoming parish Museum of the Parish, made by the will of the late parish priest Fr Pier Cesare De Vecchi, illuminated figure of a priest scholar and art historian.

a collection of art that demonstrates the ingenuity and craftsmanship of many important local artists

The visit is certainly worthwhile to view the large collection of art that is preserved as evidence of intelligence and mastery of important local artists; dynasties of painters, sculptors, decorators and plasterers, but also cabinet makers and goldsmiths who worked not only in the valley but also in Turin, in Lombardy and in France and who left the notable works and interesting.

 The Museum collects several hundred inventoried between paintings, sculptures and gilt polychrome, furnishings and metalwork as candlesticks, frontals, chalices from the original church that existed before the current that was built in the '700. Among the paintings to report the large canvas of Melchiorre D'Enrico depicting the procession votive campertognesi of the Sacro Monte of Varallo.

 There stands also the beautiful wooden altar original pyramid-shaped complete in all its parts. The exhibition is completed with the works of art and the sacred vessels of different speakers and chapels devices too isolated to be considered not likely exposed to theft.

Value and absolute cultural interest also the adjoining library, a significant collection of handwritten scrolls for Five / Six hundred and volumes from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

Museo della Parrocchia di Campertogno

Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Giacomo
13023 Campertogno - Vercelli
Tel. 0163 77131
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